14 diciembre 2019 – A partir de las 16h
Foto: Jordi Plana (amb Bru Ferri)
Saturday December 14, 2019 – 6:00 p.m. –
We invite all artists to the MERCAT DEL CAOS NADALENC
It is a fair / market that is chaotic Christmas, in which we leave the space to offer transactions of purchase, sale and exchange of illegal art and culture.
Paintings, drawings, discs, sculptures, ceramics, bouquets, books, shirts … wherever …
The BASES are here: NOTHING
– Enter, pay the tickets for the concerts (MUSICFOLLS COLLECTION + PAU RIBA I DE MORTIMERS).
– You place space in the area that will be prepared.
– You can bring lights, tables and decorate it as you like.
– If you sell works, then olé. We want everyone to have access to the consumption of art and culture. Buy less for Amazon and have direct contact with our artists.
You can tell us, ask us or notify us at: Konventreserva@gmail.com