SUC DE SÍNDRIA – Irene Moray
This year’s Berlinale Shorts have been announced, with a diverse selection of 24 films from 17 countries. The films will compete for the Golden and Silver Bear, the Audi Short Film Award as well the chance to be nominated for the European Film Awards in the Best Short Film category.
This year’s selection includes Past Perfect (Portugal) from Jorge Jácome. Jácome made a splash a few years ago with his surreal and compelling short film Flores that found massive popularity on the short film circuit winning awards at the likes of IndieLisboa and Winterthur. His latest effort is eagerly anticipated.
Also anticipated will be Leyenda dorada (Spain), the latest film from Spanish filmmaker Chema García Ibarra. Like Jácome, Ibarra’s work blends genres to create contemplative, surreal and gently funny films that are often perfect examinations of the human condition. He returns to Berlin after screening his short film Misterio there in 2013 and winning the European Film Academy Nomination. His latest film is co-directed with Ion de Sosa.
Other works to watch out for will include works from Manuel Abramovich whose film Blue Boy (Germany/Argentina) follows men who earn a living in Berlin as sex workers and two animations from Hungarian directors: Luca Tóth’s Lidérc úr (Hungary) and Flóra Anna Buda’s Entropia (Hungary). In It has to be lived once and dreamed twice (Germany/Austria), director Rainer Kohlberger looks to enrapture audiences again after his experimental and elliptical work Not Even Nothing Can Be Free Of Ghosts struck a chord in short film audiences in 2016.
Three films – Crvene gumene čizme (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Omarska (France) and Can’t You See Them? – Repeat (Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina) – will focus on the post-war zone of Bosnia and Herzegovina and “serve as a departure point for an examination of remembrance culture and the dynamics of participation in the writing of history”.
“We need new role models and a multitude of stories if we are to create a viable future for all of us,” states curator Maike Mia Höhne, who has served as section head for Berlinale Shorts since 2007 and will be assuming the role of artistic director of the Hamburg International Short Film Festival from March 2019.
The International Short Film Jury for 2019 is composed of US-American Jeffrey Bowers, senior curator at Vimeo, Croatia’s Vanja Kaludjercic, director of acquisitions at MUBI, and Koyo Kouoh, founder and artistic director of RAW Material Company from Senegal.
The full list of selected films at Berlinale Shorts 2019 is as follows:
All on a Mardi Gras Day – Michal Pietrzyk (USA), 22 minutes
Al Mahatta – Eltayeb Mahdi (Sudan), 16 minutes, out of competition
Blue Boy – Manuel Abramovich (Argentina/Germany), 19 minutes
Can’t You See Them? – Repeat. – Clarissa Thieme (Germany/Bosnia and Herzegovina), 9 minutes
Crvene gumene čizme – Jasmila Žbanić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 18 minutes, out of competition
Entropia – Flóra Anna Buda (Hungary), 10 minutes
Flexible Bodies – Louis Fried (Germany), 19 minutes
Héctor – Victoria Giesen Carvajal (Chile), 19 minutes
How to Breathe in Kern County – Chris Filippone (USA), 9 minutes
It has to be lived once and dreamed twice – Rainer Kohlberger (Germany/Austria), 28 minutes
Kingdom – Tan Wei Keong (Singapore), 5 minutes
Leyenda dorada – Chema García Ibarra, Ion de Sosa (Spain), 11 minutes
Lidérc úr – Luca Tóth (Hungary/France), 19 minutes
Mot Khu Dat Tot – Pham Ngoc Lan (Vietnam), 19 minutes
Në Mes – Samir Karahoda (Kosovo), 15 minutes
Omarska – Varun Sasindran (France), 19 minutes
Past Perfect – Jorge Jácome (Portugal), 23 minutes
Prendre feu – Michaël Soyez (France), 26 minutes
Rang Mahal – Prantik Basu (India), 27 minutes
Rise – Bárbara Wagner, Benjamin de Burca (Brazil/Canada/USA), 20 minutes
Shakti – Martín Rejtman (Argentina/Chile), 19 minutes
The Spirit Keepers of Makuta’ay – Yen-Chao Lin (Canada), 11 minutes
Splash – Shen Jie (China), 9 minutes
Suc de síndria – Irene Moray (Spain), 22 minutes
Umbra – Florian Fischer, Johannes Krell (Germany), 20 minutes
Welt an Bord – Eva Könnemann (Germany), 29 minutes
Un total de 17 películas compiten por el Oso de Oro en la Berlinale, 7 de ellas dirigidas por mujeres
Dos cortometrajes españoles en la Sección Oficial de Berlín