– Dissabte 1 d’octubre 2022 – 18h
Plastiq & Gandula family en concert !
El trio de música experimental d’Hamburg Plastiq oferirà un concert col·laboratiu per tancar la seva residència conjunta amb artistes de Konvent i del segell i família-DIY Gandula. Plastiq són Lena Geue, Luka Lenzin i Raphaela Andrade, i comptaran en el concert anb la presència d’artistes com Adriano Galante, Sara Fontan, Papadupau (ZA!), Ubaldo.
Plastiq is a band.
Plastiq is not a band.
Plastiq is not only a band.
Plastiq is not a band.
Plastiq is not only a band.
Plastiq is Lena, Luka and Raphaela, from Hamburg.
But not only.Their newest LP, released by Gandula, is not only a Plastiq LP. It is the result of a multi-collaboration with many different artists from different disciplines.
But not only.Their newest LP, released by Gandula, is not only a Plastiq LP. It is the result of a multi-collaboration with many different artists from different disciplines.