Creative geographies and innovation strategies (Washington)

– April 2019 –




Creative geographies and innovation strategies in non urban areas in Catalonia (Spain). Beyond the Urban / Rural Divide.

Authors: ANTONIO LUNA-GARCIA*, UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA BARCELONA, Rosa Cerarols Ramirez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona
Topics: Cultural Geography, Rural Geography, Europe
Keywords: Geocreativity, Geohumanities, Urban/Rural, Arts, Spain
Session Type: Paper
Day: 05/04/2019
Start / End Time: 3:05 / 4:45
Room: 8229, Park Tower Suites, Marriott, Lobby Level
Presentation File: No File Uploaded

Geospatial changes in contemporary societies produced a gradual and growing abandonment of large areas of territory. The progressive isolation and depopulation of extensive spaces in in Europe is becoming a big challenge for territorial management and governance. In some of these landscapes in crisis, there has been different initiatives over the years associated to new forms of agriculture and tourist activities trying to change these dynamics creating new dependencies to urban and market centers. In this project we analyze the impact of art / craft initiatives in non urban areas of Catalonia (Spain) that appeared around the Europe in recent decades and assess their impact locally and internationally. These activities involve a change in the geometry of scales of power within the territory. These activities are often more connected to people or remote entities in Europe or the world than with the neighboring environment that had traditionally depended. The geographical dependence to the near urban center has been modified thanks to the increase of global connections.