From 15th to 19th AUGUST 2017
by Cristina Nuñez
The selfportait as a selfetnographic project
At the moment of the production of a photographic selfportrait we are, simultaneosly, author, subject and viewer, and the powerful dynamics between the three roles stimulates our interiority to talk with the lenguage of art. This way whoever can learn to unchain a creative process subconsciously transforming emotions and vulnerability in photography art pieces. The usual practice of selfportrait turns naturally to a construction of an autobiografical project, that can be composed by secuences, compositions or instalations of selfportrait, portraits, landscapes, family portraits, letters, drawings, documents, texts, maps, genealogic tree, video, audio recordings, etc. The project becomes autoetnographic when we can link our artistic and autobiographic experience with sociologic concepts, philosophic, antropologic and cultural, as an enriched research, abducted by the subjectivity of the own emoconal, cultural and social condition.
This 5 day workshop is an introduction to the construction of a first part of an autoetnographic project, that participants could continue in the future. The participants will be asked to bring documents of their personal and familiar story: selfportraits, portraits, familiar photographies, letters and important documents, genealogical tree if owning, drawings, videos, audios, maps, etc. Durint the workshop there will be the following activities:
- Presentation of the workshop with the artist autoetnographic project.
- Accomplishment of participatory selfportrait following different exercicies (individual, in couple or group)
- Individual and group work about the perception of the produced images and of the apported material of the participants.
- Introduction to autobiographic storytelling, writing, voice recording and storyboard construction.
- Construction of the secuences, compositions and instalations as a begining of the individual autoetnographic projects, that will continue in the future.
- Destillation of the sociologic, philosofic, antropologic and cultural concepts from the study of the other paritcipant projects.
- Image selection or intalations for printing.
- Valoration of a possible exhibition in Konvent or another space.
Cristina Nuñez
Born in 1962 in Spain, Cristina Nuñez started taking self-portraits in 1988 as a form of self-therapy, to overcome low self-esteem and a heroin addiction in her teenage. Up to the early 2000s, she produced photography books in which she addressed social questions through the portrait. On the margins of this public body of work, she continued taking self-portraits, which became Someone to Love; since 2005 this has been the focus of her work, as well as of The Self-Portrait Experience workshops that she has been conducting around the world. In 2013 she started her ongoing net-art project La Vie en Rose, on video, performance and web platform, with the real goal of finding her perfect partner. Nuñez considers herself a social activist, using her own life to stimulate the viewer to mirror himself in her work.
1 We are not talking about selfies.
2 There gonna be other workshops about autoetnography as a continuation of the present.
Calendar and schedule:
August 15th to August 19th
11 to 14h and 16 to 19h every day
Booking and more information: