Opatov / Polseguera / Dofí Malalt / Regalim / Vàlius / Súper Gegant / Power Burkas / L’Hereu Escampa
Saturday July 30th 2016 – 10 €
Any more that the summer Festival. A union between hereu Escampa andKonvent that makes us jump the heart and turns us jubilant.
DOFÍ MALALT (Lleida – Famèlic)
REGALIM (Gurb – Famèlic)
POLSEGUERA (Torelló – Torrelavega – Mallorca)
POWER BURKAS (Vic – Balears, Bcore i Famèlic)
Power Burkas is Punk with capital letters. A treasure from the plain of Vic. Their thunderstorms arise youth, anger, personality and humour sense. For the fans of Fugazi, Minor threat and Minutemen.
VÀLIUS (La Pau – The Indian Runners)
SÚPER GEGANT (Reus – The Indian Runners)
Trio from Tarragona. We can say that they are the perfect mix between Mishima and Los Planetas. Smart pop.
L’HEREU ESCAMPA (Manlleu – Famèlic)
OPATOV (Cerdanyola -Famèlic)
Opatov is always able to surprise. They play modern psychedelic rock but drink from classics. They also include more garage and festive passages, leaving always place to darkness and kraut in other doses.
Cartell: Claudia Kidai